Catalog the world

Librarians doing what they do best, enabling people find books in libraries, this site helps you find books/authors in libraries near you. I don’t see the Chapel Hill/Carrboro public libraries pop up in the three searches I have done so far, which is puzzling, but the UNC system is there, so is Duke and State and a lot of community colleges.

WorldCat [OCLC]

The internets are truly great.

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One Comment

  1. Hi Bharat…one reason a library may not show up in a search of Worldcat on the web is libraries must pay for a subscription to WorldCat (a different version that the web one….it’s the one libraries provide to their users and has a more sophisticated interface) in order for the information about what they own to show up in a search. So, my guess is that the Chapel Hill/Carrboro libraries either do not have subscriptions or have chosen to opt out (as libraries can).

    Thanks for writing about WorldCat!

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