Great local environmental blog

Raleigh Eco News
For all the news that is fit to print about the Apex fire, which I was guilty of ignoring because I was “too busy”. She writes well too.

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  1. Dear Bharat,

    Thanks for the plug and the kind words. Your “blob” is terrific — I’ve added it to my list of bookmarks.

    Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the N.C. Environmental Justice Network summit this weekend, but I’ll be there in spirit. FYI, I write a blog about environmental justice issues in the rural (and extremely polluted) Pennsylvania coal-mining community where I grew up; you can find it at

    Keep up the good work, and please stay in touch.

    All the best,
    Sue Sturgis

  2. Chemicals burn in Apex. Sewage is spilled in Cary, which wants to dump more on New Hill. Wake County needs to protect our soil and water and air. Now more than ever, the Soil & Water Conservation District needs to be involved.

    Research the candidates in this year’s race, and make the right choices. Here’s a profile on one of the candidates:

    Improving Wake County’s Natural Resources: Good for Growth!

    Wake County is a great place to live, but our families, businesses and schools rely on sustainable natural resources – like clean air and water – for continued healthy growth. If we safeguard these assets, we will not have barren, polluted cities, like those many of us left behind. A vote for Meilleur (may-er’) is a vote for a Conservation Supervisor who will work hard to protect the natural wealth that makes Wake County such a great place to live.

    NCGS 139: “Soil and Water Conservation Districts are authorized for the purpose of exercising public powers for the conservation, protection and development of land, water, air, forest, wildlife and related resources.”

    Development can build our economic base while sustaining our natural resources. If we conserve as we grow, our property values will grow, and we will leave a better place for our children. Good growth is compatible with clean air and water.

    If elected, I will harness public and private resources and modern science to conserve not just soil & water but all of our natural treasures. I am uniquely qualified to be your Wake County Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor because of my experience:

     20 years as a consulting arborist in Wake County, working toward reasonable regulation and compassionate conservation of Wake County’s soil, water and trees
     Instructor, Ecology and Urban Forestry courses, Duke and NCSU
     ISA Board Certified Master Arborist, retired Certified Master Gardener
     Educator, teaching Junior Achievement and planting trees at 67 Wake County schools
     North Carolina Field Representative, American Forests organization
     Former Curator at NCSU’s Raulston Arboretum, Staff Arborist at UNC

    As a small businessperson, I find ways to get work done with limited resources.
    As a conservation professional for all my working life, I know the issues.
    As a parent, I want to leave this county better than I found it, for our children.

    My website is If elected, I will work with all Wake County citizens to retain and increase our “natural capital”. Find me at the very end of the ballot – if you don’t vote for Guy Meilleur, please get out there and vote anyway!

    Guy Meilleur for Wake County Soil & Water Conservation District Supervisor

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