Apparently, this blog is now all Pakistan all the time. But these two articles caught my eye this morning, the first one from a writing fellow in the U.S.
The Pakistani military, as is the case with most armed forces in the Muslim world, is the citadel of the country’s modernity, its most significant secular institution and protector not only of the modern nation state but the idea of the nation state itself.
The case for standing by Musharraf. – By Lee Smith – Slate Magazine
And this one from an ex-Pakistan army cadet and current reporter for the BBC Urdu service.
Within months there were other changes: evenings socializing to music and mocktails were replaced by Koran study sessions. Buses were provided for cadets who wanted to attend civilian religious congregations. Within months, our rather depressing but secular academy was turned into a zealous, thriving madrassa where missing your daily prayers was a crime far worse than missing the morning drill.It is this crop of military officers that now runs the country. General Musharraf heads this army, and is very reluctant to let go.
Pakistan’s General Anarchy – New York Times
Now who’s right, I wonder? The guy who’s from Pakistan and was actually in the army when it was transforming from a secular to a religious organization, or a writing fellow who despite an impressive Arab resume does not actually know any Urdu.
It’s Western “experts” like these that fuel this idea of Musharraf being some kind of secular bastion against anarchy in Pakistan. It’s under Zia ul-Haq and Musharraf that the Islamic fundamentalists in Pakistan made greater inroads because the Pakistan intelligence service (ISI) and the army are full of people who support and propagate extremist agendas.
Tags: Pakistan, Musharraf, Urdu
what happened to people.. On Fridays generally Mecca Masjid area is tightly secured as 10k people come to that place to offer prayers… I hope police will take control of the situation and no one will act crazy and start communal riots…
I heard 200 people gathered and started pelting stones (not sure at whome) after the blast occurred to protest… I don’t understand what they were trying to do.. instead of helping the injured they became obstacle for the ambulance to reach the hospital.. police had to use tear gas shells to make way… this is such a dumb thing to do.. instead of helping they get down to protest… I not sure where this world is going to..
The intention behind this blast was probably to create tension in southern states.
I share your optimism. I believe such riots will not break out.
They were successful in reminding people in this part of the country that India is not immune to terror!!!