Smoking bans

If you followed the failed attempt in North Carolina this year to ban smoking in indoor public spaces, one of the so called arguments was the famous slippery slope one, that this was only a prelude to banning smoking “in the comfort of your own home”, and other attendant property rights arguments. Well, it turns out that there is an impromptu smoking ban in place in most homes already!

Study: Smoking forbidden in most U.S. households –

Smoking is forbidden in nearly three out of four U.S. households, a dramatic increase from the 43 percent of homes that prohibited smoking a decade ago, the federal government reported Thursday.

Before anyone makes the property rights argument that this “ban” is by choice, and not by government fiat, let me make it, and break it. Smoking falls into the category of occupational and reccreational exposure to pollution that harms and kills. It’s no different from lead in the water or smog as far as the non-smoker is concerned. So, property rights are not polluter rights, sorry.

It’s only a matter of time before smoking indoors is considered completely and utterly unacceptable, kinda like smoking in airplanes!

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  1. Air cleaners are available that leave indoor air cleaner than outdoors. They not only make smoking bans unnecessary
    but they remove any of thousands of other pollutants, harmful or not.

    Tobacco Nazis say these machines leave a few molecules that are enough to kill. They’re bald faced liars.

    Anyone who demands “clean air” speaks with a forked tongue in view if these facts. Air cleaners should be mandatory for all public venues and paid for by tax credits. Removing dilute tobacco smoke does not provide clean air.

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