James Hansen today at the Friday Center, 3:00 PM

Environment North Carolina is co-sponsoring 2 events featuring Dr. James Hansen, director of NASA’s Goddard Institute and the nation’s foremost climate expert. In the past year, Dr. Hansen has lead the charge in calling for action on global warming, stating, “We have at most ten years-not ten years to decide upon action, but ten years to alter fundamentally the trajectory of global greenhouse gas emissions.”

RSVP-NASA’s Dr. James Hansen coming to North Carolina – Environment North Carolina

Well, if I’d been keeping normal bogging hours, this would have been up last week, anyway… Full report on the talk later tonight/tomorrow. It figures to be exciting, always great to see visionary scientists in person.

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  1. I was wondering when you were going to post a full report on the talk. I am very interested in what James Hansen had to say.

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