Month: June 2011

Twitter Updates for 2011-06-30

  • The #HST makes tax collection more efficient. But the #BCHST shift taxes from consumers to business #bcpoli #
  • BC Government should have kept revenue from #HST and increased services, or cut health insurance premiums instead of corp tax cuts #bcpoli #
  • .@andrew_leach That's the tragedy, innit? Taxes must always go down monotonically, it's the rule. Only sneak increases like the HST possible in reply to andrew_leach #
  • .@logitack Oops, meant to say money, not taxes, that does not read well ๐Ÿ™‚ in reply to EMurdah54 #
  • There is diff of opinion at the @ccpa on this RT @min_reyes: @oliveridley #HST #BCHST #bcpoli #
  • .@andrew_leach I like consumption taxes with good rebates, but corporate tax rates are low enough, don't need to keep cutting. #
  • Of course, all this #HST debate moot, many people will base vote on the feeling of being misled, and being taxed on previously exempt. #
  • Time to switch from bright screens to a book ๐Ÿ™‚ Night! #
  • RT @DanPollock: Woohoo! @LifeCyclesPrjct "Growing Schools" has won $25k from the Keg! Thank you for voting! #yyj #
  • Today 1:30: Big CRD meeting in Vic city Council chambers on the sprawl homes off the Juan de Fuca trail #yyj #saveJDF #
  • RT @Min_Reyes: Kevin Page, Parliamentary Budget Officer, estimates that new corporate tax cuts to cost Canadian tax payer $11.5B #cdnpoli #
  • Follow @cameronsgray for updates on important CRD meeting discussing sprawl in Central Saanich and Juan de Fuca #yyj #SaveJDF #
  • 500 mining jobs RT @emmacaroline_: The human cost of asbestos is not worth the jobs #asbestos #cdnpoli #

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Twitter Updates for 2011-06-29

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Twitter Updates for 2011-06-28

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Twitter Updates for 2011-06-25

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Twitter Updates for 2011-06-24

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Twitter Updates for 2011-06-23

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Twitter Updates for 2011-06-22

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Twitter Updates for 2011-06-21

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Want a tougher Canadian Refugee Policy? Read this

Deported to torture –

The memories arenโ€™t all good. The country the Benhmudas love is also the country that rejected them as refugees. In 2008, the Canadian government deported the family back to Libya โ€” even though the two youngest boys, Adam and Omar, are Canadian citizens by birth.

For the boysโ€™ father, it meant being deported to torture.

Adel Benhmuda, now 43, says he was detained on arrival at Tripoliโ€™s airport and taken to the notorious Ain Zara prison on the outskirts of the Libyan capital. For a total of six months, during two separate periods of detention, he says he was repeatedly beaten.

Note that the tougher it is for refugees to prove their case, the more likely it is that some will be sent back for further persecution.