Twitter Updates for 2011-06-15
- .@andrew_leach The WHO classifies chrysotile as carcinogenic Regardless, I have seen its India use, zero protection… in reply to andrew_leach #
- To wit, #bruins can't score in Vancouver, #canucks can't defend in Boston, so Game 7 better keep that trend… #
- RT @propublica: Over 70% of the firearms submitted for tracing by the Mexican govt originated in the US via @CNN #
- MT @evidencenetwork: The business of #healthcare reform Interview with expert advisor Colleen Flood #cdnpoli #cdnhealth #
- RT @alexboulerice: Harper must put lives before politics on asbestos: NDP #ndp #hoc #cdnpoli via @politicsrespun #
- The bridge fuel compromise? RT @ghoberg: @BCNDP jumps on natural gas bandwagon – what about GHG targets? #bcpoli #
- Interesting… RT @alferraby: David Cubberly told me live on C-FAX 1070 he will be running for mayor of Saanich #yyj #
- Very interesting that the Canadian government emphasizes harm reduction in #asbestos use, but not for drug use? #cdnpoli #
- RT @lacouvee: Dear #yyj Darth the busker was assaulted, his violin broken. @vicpdcanada thinks there may be video. Help? #
- RT @grist: Bill Gates plans to get gas from your butt. (No, really.) Gotta love bait bomb headline! h/t @tqmurdock #
- RT @DanPollock: The CRD's 1st vote on the Juan de Fuca Resort development is Wed @ 1:30: #yyj #saveJDF #bcpoli #
- The Wild West and dysfunctional B.C. politics – Ben Parfitt @ccpa unloads on #fracking and #bcpoli Note #
- BC First Nations aren’t dupes of US green movement: Chiefs @thetyee #cdnpoli #climate #indigenous #bcpoli #
- Hey Greater Victoria #yyj With the municipal elections l, what is the preferred hashtag. #yyjvote #
- .@DanPollock @lacouvee @matvic Excellent, I like #yyjvote + muni. let the social media overlords know 🙂 in reply to DanPollock #
- Wow, how about that!! RT @lacouvee: Well it looks like "fiddler" is trending nationally. #helpyyjvader #
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Awesome! Hey I was just perusing some of your older posts. I noticed that you have many that have been left in the category “uncategorized.” Please fix this. Also, I noticed that you have many good posts about news and media. Perhaps you would consider organizing these together by category or tag? FTW!
Sigh, my great weakness, categorization and tagging 🙁 I have a bunch of projects planned for when S. is away, this will be one of those. But twitter tools now des this daily update thing, which I think is acceptable level of posting on a blog 🙂