Twitter Updates for 2011-06-21
- very pertinent to my commute RT @IslandRail: Some new changes #bctransit in #yyj #
- From @TheTyee – Do You Really Need that Medical Test? A series on disease screening #cdnhealth #
- RT @vasugi: The Silence of Sri Lanka — op-ed in NYT, by @DMiliband and Bernard Kouchner #lka via @nytimes #
- Interested in Feminists' rock camp Victoria and want to know what the bands sounded like last year? #yyj #
- And the federal govt won't. RT @mims: This just happened: Supreme Court says states can’t regulate greenhouse gases #
- RT @gvpl: The public visited us over 4,100,000 times in 2009. That's about the same # as Universal Studios in Hollywood! #yyj #
- Nice, so I wait till 2013 🙂 RT @yalee360: Cost of #solar panels projected to fall sharply by 2013 #energy #
- Harper Government seeking to avoid scandals like the sponsorship scandal by firing auditors. #cdnpoli #
- White names called for job interviews in Canada 3X more than others: UBC Study #racism via @kevinmilligan in reply to luiz_fmr #
- Yikes: Extremophile pathogen fungi (mould) that thrives in your dishwasher, run! #killerdishwasher #
- RT @wicary: Majority of 1,105 arrested during #G20 released without charges. #cdnpoli #
- RT @inklesspw Globe's best Ottawa coverage comes when Bill Curry, Steve Chase and Campbell Clark sneak real stories past management #cdnpoli #
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