Twitter Updates for 2011-07-06
- An reported #oil spill every 5 days in Canada. 100 pipeline spills and accidents since 2010 #climate #
- Rock Camp Showcase July 17th.The bands, instructors and local musicians perform original material #yyj #
- RT @ccpa: The economic history and consequences of government assaults on unions: #cdnpoli #
- RT @mikehudema: As Alberta’s #TarSands Boom, Foes Target Project’s Lifelines by Jim Robbins: #oilsands #ableg #cdnpoli #
- Awesome headline 🙂 RT @drgrist: High on Pond Scum: When Will Aviation Biofuels Justify the Hype? #
- #abgov Env. Monitoring Panel: "Integrated. Sustainably-funded, arm’s length
Environmental Monitoring" needed for the #oilsands #tarsands # - Link tho the #abgov Environmental Monitoring Panel Report via @andrew_leach #tarsands #oilsands #cdnpoli #
- The #abgov #tarsands panel says sustainable, arms length, traditional knowledge, comprehensive, ecosystem based. Implementation?? #tarsands #
- RT @vicmicrolending: Victoria's first micro loan is … fully repaid. Thanks all who make this organization, this community possible! #yyj #
- RT @DanWoy: Enviro monitoring w/out mgmt & enforcement is like having smoke detectors but no firetrucks or firefighters. #oilsands #ableg #
- Rock Camp gear really coming together, thanks to awesome community members like Brent of Brentlift, forklift mechanic, and musician! #yyj #
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