Twitter Updates for 2011-07-07

  • Wow, lovely 30 km ride to work on the Lochside trail, birds, seals, rabbits, horses, blue skies, summer! #yyj #
  • RT @pembina: New report finds Ontario power prices rising, with or without #Green #Energy #Act #onpoli #
  • Just got the groupon for Theatre Skam, bike + theatre this weekend, It's a lot of fun, do it! #yyj #
  • The "kids not interested in voting" meme came from StatsCan combining "Not interested" and "No difference"? #cdnpoli #
  • Agent Orange being used to illegally clear forests in the Amazon, what could possibly go wrong. #
  • Alberta approves new coal power, Harper gov encourages building before 2015 to avoid regulation #cdnpoli via @pembina #
  • RT @wicary: Statscan settles for incomplete long-form surveys in 2011 #census raising fears of skewed data. #cdnpoli #
  • Everyone and their uncle warned that the Canadian #census would be compromised, if you recall #cdnpoli #
  • RT @boraz: Balancing Biases How cognitive prejudices can influence research decisions #
  • RT @drgrist: Despite recession, Californians install #solar panels at record-breaking pace #

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