Twitter Updates for 2011-07-09
- RT @k_crawford1: 75% of Cdns don't think MPs share their views on big issues of the day. An alarming figure: #cdnpoli #
- RT @greenhousenyt: #Krugman hits Obama for adopting "Herbert Hoover" views. Embrace of GOP ideas endangers economy #p2 #
- RT @cfuv: Feminist Rock camp rocks like a feminist! #yyj Sure does! #
- Canada Has Plenty of Oil, but Does U.S. Want It? #tarsands #oilsands #keystoneXL #abpoli – WSJ #
- Carbon dioxide, a gas "suspected" to contribute to global warming" – A gem of a quote from the WSJ #climate #
- RT @harshawalia: Hey #YVR my girl @brownstargirl is launching her co-edited book Revolution Starts At Home. July 21 7 PM #
- .@dgardner US conservatives: Hypocrisy is a useless argument against political parties, they function to gain power, not to show consistency in reply to etateee #
- Too bad for the cougar. RT @cfax1070: Cougar shot near Sidney Pier #cfax #yyj… #
- How the Right knocks over democratic building blocks by @JamieBiggar of @leadnow #democracy #canpoli #
- RT @raulpacheco @translink: "Regional Cycling Strategy." TransLink's long-term transportation strategy: details #
- RT @charlieangusmp: #CRTC can't be trusted to protect public on net neutrality. #NDP will legislate clear rules on net neutrality. #cdnpoli #
- RT @rabbleca: Defining our class: The riddle of the middle from Erika Shaker of the @ccpa #cdnpoli #
- Jim Stanford of the CAW on Smart Tax Alliance Shenanigans. B.C.’s Toxic #HST Debate #bcpoli #
- RT @iglikaivanova: BC lost 9,400 jobs last month according to latest StatsCan data. Elsewhere, ON up 40,300 and AB up 22,000. #jobs #bcpoli #
- RT @mrdeadtv: NDP to introduce motion on proportional representation in the House next session #electoralreform #cdnpoli #
- .@julespenner go to @propublica Our Reader's Guide to the Phone Hacking Scandal #
- #Sidney is a suburb of #Victoria according to @CBC 🙂 Cougar shot in Victoria suburb of Sidney #yyj #
- Excellent column by David Brooks of the NYT (yes!!) on the cognitive effects of scarcity, Shafir and Mullainathan's work #
- More BC red light cameras to reduce rising traffic fatalities I support anything that inconveniences cars via @thetyee #
- Google+ is very pretty, and functional. I am liking it much #googleplus #
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